Monday, September 15, 2008

Sentimental Moments, Nostalgia

My friend emailed me at work today and was telling me that we Filipinos are very sentimental people; feelings of tenderness, love, nostalgia. She attached a link to a popular love song she liked.

It's amazing how a melody to a song can instantaneously change your mood, especially those songs that bring you back to, hopefully good, memories. Sometimes during those drives from work commuting home, you hear a song you haven't heard in such a while. The outside traffic noise slowly fades and somehow you're protected in this warm bubble, hearing only that one song, memories becoming more vivid that you can even smell the scents during that moment.

To me in a sense, it's therapeutic. It's sad to think I don't have "that" anymore, but I'm so looking forward to the moments when I will have "that" again. It's an amazing feeling. It's the most incredible feeling to live in those moments.

Now moving from the sappy love stuff, how about those songs that make you go "Heaay!" You know what I'm talking about! You're a 29 year old getting your groove on in a club after a one year hiatus when the deejay mixes the next song to "One, two, three, into the four, Snoop Doggy Dog and David T is at the door..." And all the old school folks start waving their hands in the air (waving like they just don't care) and dippin' to the rhythm of the bass.

Kind of brings you back to high school, huh? I'm feeling it more now that my high school reunion is coming up (one in which I'm debating on going to).

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