Monday, December 31, 2007

A Time for Cleaning = A Time for Selling!

It's that time of year again to clean out the old closet and shelves and get rid of the useless junk that's been collecting dust for the past year!

Yes, that old calculus book you got stuffed under that table leg or that human sexuality book you got marked up with phone numbers from thoses cuties you sat next to in college (and you're now hiding it from your spouse along with your other stash...unless that cutie is now your better half).

Make a fresh start for the new year and get rid of the crap you have. By all means, donate your used goods and maybe you can get a tax break before the year ends. Or even better--SELL IT!!

I've posted probably 8 items on the past week and I've sold 4 items already!

Okay, maybe I didn't make a whole bunch of money selling $3 DVDs and under $40 textbooks, but it's nice to have some pocket money to fund my coffee fixations. I mean, look around the house. The saying goes "Your junk is someone else's treasure," or something like that. I just sold a used A Nightmare on Elm Street DVD for $2.40 and The Fugitive for another $3. Shipping? credits you for it.

Never sold anything online before? It's SIMPLE! Amazon explains it all here.

Still don't get it? Just ask. =)

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